I love checking through the flocks of large gulls on the Axe on stormy October days - the month that is the best to see non-juvenile Yellow-legged Gulls here. And this afternoon proved that once again...
Whilst scanning through a big gang of mostly Great Black-backed Gulls north of Coronation Corner I saw this...
Striking mantle colour |
It was distant and tipping down with rain, and at first I thought it was an adult Yellow-legged Gull, but soon I could just make out it's leg's weren't exactly bright yellow and there were some dark marks on the bill, so decided it had to be a near-adult. Not long after I saw it much closer...
A big bird! |
Up close the legs did look very pale (just tinged yellow), and that marked bill combined with very adult-like upper parts says it probably is a fourth-winter, although could be a well-advanced third-winter maybe? An absolutely massive beast though - it's going to look amazing in a year or two!
Also in the flock were three Common Gulls, two Med Gulls (ad and first-winter), this cracking intermedius Lesser Black-backed Gull...
On the right - really long-winged |
And then this appeared...
Between the male Mallard and Great Black-backed Gull |
Yup - that one! |
My immediate reaction, I think mostly due to the neck shawl combined with fairly mature looking upper parts, was second-winter Casp! But a bit more watching soon put me off, particularly with that feeble looking bill.
Still looked pretty good at some angles |
I had to leave it quite abruptly, but thankfully when I returned an hour later it was still there - well a bit closer actually...
Looking really dinky here - sometimes even reminded me of a Common Gull! |
Note mantle colour - looking pretty good for a Casp being just a shade darker than the Herring |
Still from a video |
And again. Wing pattern looking ok actually |
So what it is? Well for me, for now, it's going in the 'cactus' group (CaspianxHerring hybrid) - I just don't like the small bill and head, the pale eye, dusky streaks around the eye, as well as the lack of giraffe-like neck and long wings. But, as Brett has pointed out in a flurry of messages this evening, there is a chance it could still be a pure small female Casp. If you've any thoughts do let me have them, thanks :-)
Other bits and bobs that I've seen today in the valley include; 1 Bar-tailed Godwit, 1 Greenshank, 1 Ringed Plover, 1 Common Sandpiper, 4 Dunlin, 70 Wigeon and 100 Teal.
Looking at the weather for the week ahead, expect more gull-posts...