
Friday 6 September 2024

Autumn Marches On

It's still Osprey central here, with at least three juveniles remaining today including the blue ringed bird. I had lovely views of one fishing at around midday, but even better this evening watched two circling and interacting with each other (how Buzzards often do) over the Axmouth hills from my conservatory. This went on for about five minutes before they headed off purposely south west, absolutely teriffic to see and they look so much at home here...

Distant but still brilliant to watch!

Thanks to Brian we have heard back about the ringed bird that has been on the Axe since at least 27th August.  3E6 was one of two chicks ringed in a nest just south of Loch Lomand on 10/7/24.

I only spent about an hour out today, late morning/early afternoon, but between the frequent showers it felt really good!  Was fully expecting to come across something decent but looks like I just missed out, I came home about an hour before two Black Tern were reported from Colyford Common, later seen passing Budleigh.  

Still, three Whinchat with two Stonechat in the field just south of Black Hole Marsh were very much appreciated, with hundreds of (mostly) House Martins feeding overhead for most the day helping to make the day feel very 'birdy'.  

There wasn't much to see during two quick looks off the beach except for a few fishing Gannets, but on the Estuary it was good to see my first Wigeon of the autumn...

Often get them in the last few days of August but not this year

Also on the Estuary were several Ringed Plover, Dunlin, the usual Redshank and Blackwits dotted around plus four Bar-tailed Godwits.  I first saw three of these drop in on Tuesday whilst I was at work, with a fourth one joining the flock the following day.  They're all juveniles and all looking so fresh - almost sparkling!  Also on the Estuary today, for its second day on the lower Estuary (saw it from the office yesterday) a young Great Crested Grebe...

Showing well!

Humbug face!  Don't get them on the Estuary very often at all.

Another decent bird seen from work this week (ignoring the multiple daily Ospreys!) was a Great White Egret fishing in the narrow channel on the west side of the Estuary on Tuesday, just after 10am.  It was seen on Black Hole Marsh about tens minutes later and again the following morning.

Hoping to get out early in the morning, and hoping to see some more passerines as the scarcities seem to be filtering down to the south west now.

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