Seemed to be fairly quiet this morning, with the sea producing very little; a couple of adult Common Gulls and the odd Common Scoter and auk sp. passing. Plenty of stuff moving about 5 miles out, just a little too far though! Lower Bruckland Ponds gave a Lesser Redpoll over and Colyford Scrape showed two Ruff (one up!). The estuary revealed nothing much of note but this colour-ringed Herring Gull.

Rewinding the clock to last night (Thurday evening). I'd been at work all day so wanted to make the most of the 45 minutes of light left. A look through the Gulls on the estuary revealed this really dark Lesser Black-backed Gull.
And here's a rather pants video of it, but you can see it's mantle colour compared with a Great Black-backed Gull and size compared with that immature Lesser Black-backed Gull to it's right.
Also last night, the Cattle Egret roosted on the Borrow Pit - Seaton Marshes, with Little Egrets.
Also last night, the Cattle Egret roosted on the Borrow Pit - Seaton Marshes, with Little Egrets.
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