
Saturday 19 October 2024

Two More Yellow-broweds

After a disappointingly quiet visit to Axe Cliff this morning, where the vismig never really got going and grounded migrants were few and far between, I had a bit of time to check a few other local spots on my way home.  My first stop was  Axmouth church, the location of the only patch record of Pallas's Warbler way back in October 2007.

Soon after I entered the churchyard I was stopped in my tracks by a Yellow-browed Warbler literally shouting at me as I walked past the small sycamore it was in.  And boy was it noisy! I'm absolutely thrilled with the sound clip I managed to record, which is at the end of this post.

Even more surprising was that as I was watching this bird make its way through the branches, a second Yellow-browed Warbler started calling to the south of me, coming from an adjacent large garden.  I was watching and filming the first bird as bird two was calling in the background!

Bird one showed extremely well, really close up views in small bushes and trees.  I even managed to record some video footage of it, and was pleased to be able to extract these three frames from that...

My first view of it
Showing a bit more...

That's more like it! 

After several lean Yellow-browed years, these two are my third and fourth on the patch this autumn and make it my best ever autumn for Yellow-browed Warblers here.

And now for the aforementioned sound recording.  Quite a bit of noise coming from passing cars, which I haven't learnt how to eradicate on Audacity yet, but am still thrilled with what I've captured. Bird two starts calling at 1:10...

More of this please!

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