
Saturday, 22 February 2025

Mighty Meds

Well my plea for more gulls in the last post has been answered as it's been a nice week of increased gull numbers on the Axe, as expected for the time of year.  

I have not had anything unusual as of yet, however that's not really mattered as it's been the numbers that have been making me happy.  Friday's stormy weather produced the most, with an particularly exciting hour or so late afternoon watching large flocks of mostly Common Gulls heading down the valley to roost, although gull passage was evident in the valley throughout the day.

At my first stop of the day, the make-up of the large gull flock resting by the main scrape on Bridge Marsh immediately informed me passage was under way.  Only in the months of Feb-Apr would a large gull flock on the Axe be made up of 70% adult Lesser Black-backed Gulls, as this one was...

In the winter, Lesser Black-backed Gulls on the Axe are actually surprisingly few and far between

And as predictable as the late winter/early spring Lesser Black-backed passage at this time of year is the Med Gulls.  I had a minimum of 19 on Friday, 16 of these in the hour pre-dusk.  Mostly adults showing a variety of hoods with just one first-winter and two second-summers.  It has been a particularly poor winter for Med Gulls on the Axe (seems to be the norm now) which made these even more enjoyable...

What a trio of beauties, with three Common Gull in foreground

A not-so immaculate trio, but still looking awesome in the rough estuary at high tide
The most dapper of them all, alongside a full summer Black-headed Gull

Same bird looking equally impressive on the water.  Ten points if you can spot the other Med Gull in shot (just!)

And finally, Mr Dapper in flight


My final totals for Friday were 19+ Meds, 45+ Lesser Black-backs and 1,700+ Common Gulls.  However it wasn't just Friday that Med Gulls and Lesser Black-backs were obvious, I had seven Med Gulls on the Estuary on Monday with birds present every day, along with daily Lesser-Black backs.

Gulls are pretty much all I have to talk about in this post to be honest, except for a little, well Great surprise which popped up on the Estuary on Friday whilst I was of course watching gulls.. 

A summer plumaged Great Crested Grebe

Great Crested Grebes are usually regular winter visitors here, with birds on the sea often towards Seaton Hole.  Double-figure counts were not uncommon at all, except in recent years.  Like everything else numbers have dropped off a cliff with just low single figures wintering with us in last few years, but this year it has been even worse.  I saw one Great Crested Grebe in the bay several times at the end of 2024, but this bird on the Estuary yesterday was my first of the year as I haven't seen a single one in the bay in almost two months.  Depressing really.

Oh well, at least I have gulls...


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